

Hello, my name is Vivian de los Rios.

You’re here because you like stories. I’m here because I write, paint, draw, and share stories. We’re a good team.

Originally from Mississippi, I now grace Atlanta with my presence. Most of my commercial work is illustration for books, one of my greatest obsessions. Most of my other work is just something I’ve had bouncing around in my mind in the rare moment it’s not occupied by a book. I hope you enjoy them both equally. Or unequally, as long as you like something. If you don’t like any of it, well, give my husband a go: www.alejoporrasart.com. He’s a fantastic artist too, in my humble opinion.

Somehow I manage to keep my husband, toddler, cat, stray animals in the back yard, and numerous potted plants alive, a feat of which I’m rather proud. If you’re feeling stalkerish and would like to know more, here’s a word cloud: introvert - Irish mythology - Earl Gray tea - camping - Middle Earth - piano - Discworld - fairytales - historic fiction - sushi - shiraz - Enya - handmade - canvas - gold leaf - ballet - quill pens - SCAD.

If you’re interested in commissioning artwork, use the field below to send me a message and I’ll get right back to you.